Order of The Moroi is a Vampiric secret Monarchical Dark Awakened ruling Order deep in Louisiana
About Order Of The Moroi
Order Of The Moroi ® is a Monarchical Dark Awakened Order founded by Lord FreakZilla, in 2015. The league known today, simply as “The Order”, was fashioned after the Dragonist Order of the Black Knights. Its statutes, written in Romanian and French, (to honor tradition), call it a society (societate) whose members carry the (un liliac de lup). “The Order” required its initiates to defend and honor the Moroi Creed and to fight, both physically and lawfully those that would threaten all Other-kin’s way of life. “The Order” remains a secret ruling body deep in Louisiana and it’s members private.
The Order belongs to the New Orleans Vampire subculture in Louisiana. The Order united Hybrid, Vampire, Wolf and Witch in Unity for a common cause. Big Bad Wolf, werewolf, Brian Ryder GOG.The Order is on Facebook and
Lord Freakzilla is on Tumblr
it is a Vampiric secret Monarchical Dark Awakened ruling Order deep in Louisiana,Fashioned to defend The Moroi Creed. The Moroi is part of the New Orleans and Austin Vampire subculture. Lord FreakZilla wrote the Bleeding Heart Chronicles for Louisiana vampires and normal people alike. He is not only a New Orleans Vampire but he is also A Austin Vampire as well. But he prefers Vampire Hybrid. Although he’s also know as a WereWolf. Or Big Bad Wolf.
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Order Of The Moroi ® is a Monarchical Dark Awakened Order representing all Other-kin, founded in 2015. Lord FreakZilla, founded the league known today, simply as “The Order”. Its statutes, written in Romanian and French, (to honor tradition), call it a society (societate) whose members carry the (un liliac de lup). The Order was fashioned after the Dragonists Order of the Black Knights, but requiring its initiates to defend the Moroi Creed and fight the enemies who threaten all Other-kin’s way of life.
The Order united Hybrid, Vampire, Wolf and Witch in Unity for a common cause. It’s purpose was to be a silent ruling body deep in Louisiana. To root out internal rivalry from within and to allow Other-kin’s to decide their own fate. To provide a safe haven for all dark awakened.The Order united Hybrid, Vampire, Wolf and Witch in Unity for a common cause.
On June 5, 2015 Lord Freakzilla, founded the league known today as the Order.Its statutes, written in Romanian, call it a society (societate) whose members carry the (un liliac de lup)., but assign no name to it.To root out internal rivalry from within and to allow Other-kin’s to decide their own fate. To provide a safe haven for all dark awakened.The Order united Hybrid, Vampire, Wolf and Witch in Unity for a common cause.